Herbal, Flower & Other Remedies

About Sheila Ryan & Her Work With Horses

It was the purchase of her horse Mijoy, an Arabian, in 1997 that led Sheila to the birth of her business, Horse Sense. In a need to understand Mijoy better, she began to experiment with using her type of hands-on work on her horse. Mijoy responded, communicating about her past and her concerns and problems. The results were astounding. Sheila immediately experienced an improved rapport with her horse, even riding her without a saddle or bridle with Mijoy behaving beautifully. A new commitment to each other had been formed due to the respect Sheila showed for Mijoy and her needs, a new trust emerged between owner and horse. When other people at the barn where Mijoy was boarded saw the results, they began to ask Sheila to “talk” to their horses. Sheila’s techniques produced similar success time and time again. Soon horse owners from the same barns were waiting in line for their turn to experience this brand new healing and communication vehicle. She has had the pleasure of having several veterinarians confirm that the areas in which the horses were “complaining to her” about being sore during her “talks” with them, were in fact medical conditions in need of attention.

Herbal & Flower Remedies

In 2002, I discovered the incredible results that essential oils can bring to the body and mind. Oils are herbology taken to concentrated form. Plants are, and will always be, our best teachers and healers, as their use throughout the history of mankind has proven their value.

Hands-On Energy Work

The healer must have knowledge of these methods to understand how they dovetail to make the healing a whole one and to be able to communicate with other people involved in the case. Various other health care methods may be indicated through the channel of the healer. The healer will need to know anatomy and physiology to help interpret the information she is receiving.


The healer must have knowledge of these methods to understand how they dovetail to make the healing a whole one and to be able to communicate with other people involved in the case. Various other health care methods may be indicated through the channel of the healer. The healer will need to know anatomy and physiology to help interpret the information she is receiving.

Aura & Chakra Readings

Nutritional analysis is determined through the pressing or activation of various points on the body. This method along with muscle testing, determines the balance of internal organs and vitamin and mineral balance.